Welcome to Kings Girls Youth Lacrosse!
We are glad you are interested in one of the country's fastest growing sports.
Just like our Kings Women's High School Lacrosse program, we are on a mission to "provide a safe, fun, and winning environment that will create smart, fun, strong willed, and empowered young people." At the youth level, we emphasize SAFE & FUN.
We are a spring sport, usually running from around mid Feb to mid May.
Minimal equipment is needed and all details can be found here.
All players are required to also be members of USA Lacrosse ($30/year)
To help ensure all kids get a chance to play and learn this exciting sport, we will typically have several different sets of teams:
1. A team - competitive, experienced 5th & 6th graders, includes a minimum pass/catch rule before shooting as well as modified checking (below shoulder)
2. B team - more instructional, newer 5th & 6th graders, includes a minimum pass rule and no checking is allowed.
3. C team - 3rd & 4th graders, includes a minimum pass rule and no checking is allowed.
4. Instructional - Kindergarten - 2nd graders
Please see the rest of our site, as well as USA Lacrosse's Girls Youth rules, for more information.
In addition, please don't hesitate to reach out to any of us with questions. We understand that most parents never played this sport and may be hesitant, we are here to help!! Our coaches are passionate about positively impacting our community's youth and passionate about this great game.